A statement from Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham in support of International Human Rights Day 2018

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A statement from Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham in support of International Human Rights Day 2018

This year is the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which exists to create equal dignity and worth for every person.

A statement from Elizabeth Denham, Information Commissioner:

Today is International Human Rights Day and I want to take the opportunity to show my support for the Standup4humanrights campaign. The campaign was set up to raise awareness of the continued importance and relevance of the principles in the UDHR.

We all have a part to play in upholding human rights, both as individuals and in the workplace. As the Information Commissioner, I ensure that sure my office is upholding people’s right to privacy, particularly as the boundaries of privacy change and evolve in this digital age. And that my office upholds the right of access to information as enshrined in the Declaration.

Human rights, including the right to privacy and right of access to information, are universal and I am committed to supporting global coherence in data protection and access to information.

You can find out more about the ongoing #Standup4humanrights campaign here

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