ICO seeks views on updating data sharing code
The ICO is in the process of revising its 2011 Data Sharing Code of Practice, and is accepting contributions until 10 September. The call for views is the first part of the work and a revised code is expected by the end of 2018.
The ICO says that the updated code will address many aspects of the new UK data protection legislation including transparency, lawful bases for processing, the new accountability principle and the requirement to record processing activities.
‘The updated data sharing code of practice will continue to provide practical guidance in relation to data sharing and will promote good practice in the sharing of personal data. In the first instance we will address the impact of the changes in data protection legislation on data sharing and will then move on to developing further case studies. Our intention is that, as well as legislative changes, the code will also deal with technical and other developments that have had an impact on data sharing since the publication of the last code in 2011.’
Speaking at the Data Protection Forum yesterday, Judith Jones, the ICO’s Group Manager for Parliament and Government Affairs, said that the Information Commissioner aims to provide sector specific examples in the revised code. She is also seeking input from trade associations and those representing the interests of data subjects. After the first phase, to bring the code up to date, the ICO will look into data sharing in different scenarios, for example, related to Big Data.
Jones said the EU-wide codes of conduct are also being prepared by some sectors. In the absence of a code of conduct, the ICO may issue a statutory code for a particular sector if it considers there is a need to do so. However, the ICO will wait for the EU to agree a new e-Privacy Regulation before revising its Direct Marketing Code.
See the call for views at https://ico.org.uk/about-the-ico/ico-and-stakeholder-consultations/ico-call-for-views-on-updating-the-data-sharing-code-of-practice/
The Data Protection Forum is at www.dpforum.org.uk