ICO statement on the Court of Appeal judgment in R (Bridges) -v- Chief Constable of South Wales Police & Ors

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ICO statement on the Court of Appeal judgment in R (Bridges) -v- Chief Constable of South Wales Police & Ors

An ICO spokesperson said:

“We welcome the Court of Appeal’s judgment that provides clarification on the police use of live facial recognition technology in public places.

“Facial recognition relies on sensitive personal data and balancing people’s right to privacy with the surveillance technology the police need to carry out their role effectively is challenging. But for the public to have trust and confidence in the police and their actions there needs to be a clear legal framework. Today’s judgment is a useful step towards providing that.”

Background information

Information Commissioner’s Opinion: The use of live facial recognition technology by law enforcement in public places is the first issued under the Data Protection Act 2018 and sets out advice and recommendations.

ICO Investigation into how the police use facial recognition technology in public places is a report containing our investigation findings.

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