Minty, Leong and Craddock

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Minty, Leong and Craddock

Following a prosecution by the ICO, Andrew Minty, Jamie Leong and Michelle Craddock pleaded guilty to Conspiracy to commit section 55 Data Protection Act offences before Winchester Crown Court. The defendants were at various times employed by the data controller Enterprise Rent A Car and personal data was unlawfully obtained from Enterprise’s systems and passed to claims management companies to pursue personal injury claims. The conspiracy involved the obtaining of tens of thousands of records over a 2.5 year period and followed civil proceedings in which the defendants had paid the data controller damages.

Andrew Minty was fined £7,500 to be paid within 2 years (with a period of 3 months in default). Jamie Leong was sentenced to a conditional discharge for 12 months, with prosecution costs of £3,000 to be paid within 2 years.

Michelle Craddock was sentenced to a conditional discharge for 12 months, with prosecution costs of £1,200 to be paid within 2 years.

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