UK PM confident of maintaining data protection standards post-Brexit

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UK PM confident of maintaining data protection standards post-Brexit


This afternoon, Theresa May, Prime Minister, devoted a section to data protection law as part of her major policy speech in London on all aspects of Brexit.

She said “the free flow of data is also critical for both sides in any modern trading relationship too. The UK has exceptionally high standards of data protection. And we want to secure an agreement with the EU that provides the stability and confidence for EU and UK business and individuals to achieve our aims in maintaining and developing the UK’s strong trading and economic links with the EU.

That is why we will be seeking more than just an adequacy arrangement and want to see an appropriate ongoing role for the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office. This will ensure UK businesses are effectively represented under the EU’s new ‘one stop shop’ mechanism for resolving data protection disputes.”

Overall, this is “a new beginning” and “our future is bright.”

View full text of the speech:

At Navigating GDPR: The art of the possible, Privacy Laws & Business’s 31st Annual International Conference 2-4 July, 2018 at St. John’s College, Cambridge, there will be a session on EU adequacy and the impact of Brexit by Elisabeth Stafford, Senior Policy Advisor, EU Data Protection, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport; and a separate session on Tensions between the UK and the GDPR after Brexit by Oliver Butler, Fellow by Special Election in Law, Wadham College, University of Oxford. 

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