Visa on Growth of Card-Not-Present Fraud

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Visa on Growth of Card-Not-Present Fraud


Gord Jamieson Outlines How Canada Is Responding to New Wave of CNP Incidents

Gord Jamieson, senior director of Canada risk services, Visa

Canada led North America in EMV adoption, and now it is seeing a commensurate growth in card-not-present fraud. Gord Jamieson of Visa Canada describes how Visa is responding to this latest wave of CNP fraud.

See Also: How to Scale Your Vendor Risk Management Program

Jamieson, senior director of Canada risk services at Visa, discusses CNP fraud in this video interview recorded at Information Security Media Group’s Toronto Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit.

In this interview, Jamieson discusses:

  • The evolution of CNP fraud;
  • The impact on user authentication;
  • Visa’s response to this latest trend.

At the summit, Jamieson delivered a keynote address on Securing Data in the Future: Lessons from the Payment Card Frontlines.

Jamieson joined Visa Canada in March of 2001 where he now heads Visa Canada risk services and North America acquirer risk services. Before joining Visa, Jamieson served as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for 20 years, where he investigated organized crime involvement in forged credit card manufacturing and distribution. The Canadian courts recognized Jamieson as an expert in this field of investigation. In addition, he has served as both the president and vice president of the Central Canada Chapter of the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators and is now a member of the IAFCI board of advisers.

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