What is computer recycling

Gigacycle > Resources > What is computer recycling


Gigacycle Ltd is one of the leading IT disposal and recycling providers in the UK, we are based in Manchester and provide services for clients all over the UK.


We work in accordance with the WEEE Directive and Environmental legislation in the UK, providing an award-winning service to assist organisations in the disposal of their redundant computers, IT and electrical equipment.


We go beyond the current WEEE legislation to provide a superior service, and we also provide a secure data destruction service that meets the highest UK standards.


IT disposal can be a hassle for organisations, and our aim is to make it as simple and hassle-free as possible for our customers. We provide you with complete peace of mind in the knowledge that we are disposing of your IT equipment in a safe, secure and environmentally responsible way.


What is computer Recycling?


Inside every computer there are lots of different components. Some of these components are harmful to the environment and need to be disposed of correctly!


A single computer can contain up to 2kg of lead, and the complex mixture of materials make PCs very difficult to recycle.


We dispose of redundant IT equipment in an environmentally friendly way by a number of different methods.



Some IT equipment that is working or can be repaired can also be reused and even though it may be old it may be useful to certain people.


This is our preferred option as it is the greenest option. Extending the life of equipment is much more environmentally friendly.


The main idea behind saving energy in the high-tech world has been to buy newer, more energy efficient devices, but researchers say maybe that’s the wrong way to look at the issue, since as much as 70% of the energy a typical laptop will consume during its life span is used in manufacturing the computer.


More energy would be conserved by reducing power used in the manufacturing of computers, rather than reducing only the amount of energy required to operate them say researchers from the Arizona State University and Rochester Institute of Technology. Designing computers that can be upgraded and more easily reused would help reduce the need for more and more new computers to be manufactured. Reuse has the potential to reduce carbon emissions more than recycling, they stated.


The next best option to recycle the computer equipment is dismantling the equipment into raw components such as computer processors, computer memory, power supplies, ferrous metal,non ferrous metal, copper and aluminium and salvaging the raw materials so they can be reused.


When you break the computer down into these raw materials these materials can be reused again for the next piece of IT equipment.


They will be crushed and smelted down to reveal the previous materials so they can be recycled.



New legislation came into force in 2007 to cover waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), The WEEE Directive.


The regulations have significant implications for those who treat or recover WEEE and stipulate that users must store, collect, treat, recycle and dispose of WEEE separately from other waste. It is now a requirement that you obtain and keep proof that your WEEE was given to a waste management company, and was treated and disposed of in an environmentally sound way.


Did you know that you can physically destroy a hard drive with a hammer, run it over with a bus, set it on fire or bury it in the ground and you can still retrieve the data on the drive?


Whenever you need to dispose of IT equipment, the risk that your confidential data will be exposed is a serious one. That’s why you need to use a company like Gigacycle. We securely destroy all data on any IT systems we receive so that not a single trace of it survives.


Taking No Chances


You don’t want to take any chances with your data security, and neither do we. That’s why we go above and beyond internationally recognised standards to ensure your data is properly destroyed.


Security management is so important for companies and organisations of all sizes. Not only is your confidential data at risk, but so too is the data of your clients, customers, students and employees. If it is not destroyed properly, you could be fined under the Data Protection Act for failing to keep the details private.


Onsite and Offsite Data Destruction


We destroy your data either onsite or offsite to give you complete peace of mind. We use NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre, formerly CESG) approved data destruction methods that totally eradicate all traces.


What if your data cannot be securely wiped because your drive is damaged? Rather than taking any risks, we will destroy the data on the drive using a machine called a degausser. This emits an electromagnetic field which destroys the drive and all the data rendering it unusable. We then further destroy the drive physically in a mechanical shredder, leaving no trace of your data.


Certificate of Destruction


To prove you are compliant with the Data Protection Act, and also for your peace of mind, we will provide you with a certificate of destruction. This is a unique certificate for every data carrying asset such as a laptop or computer. This proves that you have taken every necessary step to secure your data.


Methods of Destruction


We use a method of data destruction which erases the data to HMG government standards. This is done electronically and is a NCSC approved method. NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre, formerly CESG) is the Information Security arm of GCHQ, and the National Technical Authority for Information Assurance within the UK. This means it has been verified that the data cannot be retrieved when we destroy it.



We collect all IT related items such as:

  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Servers
  • Monitors
  • TVs
  • Keyboards
  • Mice
  • Cables / Wires
  • Printers
  • Telephones
  • Phone systems
  • Faxes
  • Photocopiers
  • Laminators
  • E.E.E (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
  • Toner Cartridges. We collect and recycle lots of other items too ask our team for more information.


Our Service is free. This includes free collection data destruction. We are one of the only providers who can offer this. We do this by having a very talented team of recyclers in house that can reap as much value from redundant IT equipment as possible so being green doesn’t cost you anything!


All we ask if a minimum amount of major items such as computers monitors or laptops as we try to be as green as possible and the free collection has to warrant the cost collection and processing.


Some of our premium services incur a small charge such as dedicated point to point collections and premium data erasure services. However if your IT equipment holds any value we can offset these charges and even generate revenue back to you!



To book a collection please fill in the form at www.gigacycle.co.uk/book-a-collection OR call our team on 0800 024 2476 OR email [email protected]


We will arrange a suitable time and date for one of our drivers to attend and collect your redundant IT equipment.


When you book your collection we will set you up with an account on the gigacycle online collection system.


This is an online portal where you can book collections, view previous collections, view data destruction certificates and see the process of every item we collect. This system gives you a full audit trail of collections and item that were picked up.


Contact us now to request a demo!
