Computer recycling warrington
We can ease computer recycling for many companies in and outside Warrington
If your company has computers that it would like to get rid of in an environmentally friendly way, it can meet this aim with much assistance from Gigacycle. Our recycling centre is near Warrington, but your company certainly doesn’t need to be near a Warrington recycling centre to benefit from our computer recycling services. These free services can give your company much peace of mind.
Gigacycle are one of the UK’s computer recyclers, Our computer recycling processing facility is near warrington and we offer free computer disposal, data destruction and computer recycling.
Read more about our services here
Benefits of computer recycling with Gigacycle
These days, many of us are regularly reminded of the importance of considering the environmental impact of much of what we do. However, considering this impact can take up much time which many of us simply don’t have, which helps to explain why we have worked hard to make the process that we use to collect computers for recycling as simple and convenient for you as we can.
However, this doesn’t mean that we have sacrificed the quality of our Warrington recycling process. Indeed, we operate a strict ‘no waste’ policy, whereby we ensure that we always recycle as much of the computers that we collect that we possibly can. This means that any computer parts that we cannot recycle, we instead reuse or refurbish, thus ensuring that we can avoid sending any of these computer parts to landfill.
There are many other companies that pledge to be capable of recycling computers for you; however, not all of these companies will have the relevant credentials that demonstrate that they can do so in a genuinely safe, secure and eco-friendly way. For example, many of these companies, unlike Gigacycle, might not have ISO 19001, 1so 14001, iso 27001 and ADISA certification or be approved by the Environment Agency.
Read more about us here
The computer recycling process used by Gigacycle
There are several distinct stages of the computer recycling process regularly used by Gigacycle. The whole process begins with a member of our staff visiting the business or home of one of our clients to collect the computer to be recycled. This staff member will have been security vetted and show the client their badge at arrival. This staff member will transport, in a secured vehicle, the computer to Gigacycle’s recycling centre near Warrington. At the centre, to help the client to comply with the Data Protection Act, any data stored within the computer will be destroyed with a technique that is beyond industry-set standards, learn more about data destruction, From beginning to end, this whole process is, for the client’s further comfort, tracked by Gigacycle using an online collection poll.